You’ve designed your new landscaping layout, picked out your plants, and it’s all coming together but that’s really just the start. Caring for your landscape and garden can seem intimidating, but we promise it isn’t and we’re here to help you every step of the way!
From the start you want to examine the plants you are buying. Making sure they don’t seem to have a bug infestation is one of the simplest things you can do to know you are bringing in healthy plants. Checking out their roots is also important. Roots should be white and firm. If you notice mushy, spotted, or dark colored roots chances are there is a plant disease affecting it and you should avoid brining them home.
Once your plants are home, you should continue to keep an eye out for pests. Grubs, ants, slugs, aphids, and other small ground bugs can do a number on the health and appearance of your plants very quickly. Viruses not only stress the host plant, but can harm the surrounding plants as some bugs can carry viruses from one plant to another. If you notice dead leaves or flowers, be sure to prune them. These decaying parts can attract bugs as they are a food source.
Once fall arrives, your plants my begin to naturally die off but that doesn’t mean your work is done. You’ll want to make sure you clean up fallen leaves, and any left over plant matter that isn’t a perennial. By cleaning up the extra brush, you eliminate a place for pests and disease to call home. While some claim leaving the decaying foliage can improve soil health, there are great risks. Creating a compost site for the debris can be an alternative disposal method that allows you to put those nutrients back in a safer, cleaner way. Compost should be fully decomposed and exclude anything that may have been unhealthy.
Of course, there are the more commonly known things to remember like proper water, shade, and chemicals. Willo’dell Nursery is here to support you in choosing plants that are right for you, as well as learning about caring for them and your landscape or garden. Stop by our beautiful Mansfield or Ashland locations to talk to an expert.